April 2014

Kentucky institutions stepping up to help Mid-Continent students

Mid-Continent University in Mayfield, Ky., recently announced that it will close its doors on June 30, leaving many students scrambling to figure out how and where they can continue their studies. Several Kentucky Baptist institutions have already stepped up to extend help to Mid-Continent students: I’m delighted to see the compassion these institutions are extending […]

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300 Years of Baptist Associations

The third week of May on the Southern Baptist Convention’s annual calendar is designated as the Baptist Association Emphasis. Baptist associations in America have been around for more than 300 years, historically predating the SBC and state conventions. The relationship between the churches in Antioch and Jerusalem is, at a minimum, an example of an

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Baptist influence ends gambling push

Thank you, Kentucky Baptists, for answering my call to oppose gambling expansion. Your support, along with strong Baptist influence in Frankfort have been cited by two large daily newspapers as the reason gambling bills died once again this year. Read more: LOUISVILLE — Two of Kentucky’s largest newspapers have run stories probing why a proposal to legalize casino gambling

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Wise Decisions

Jesus said, “Wisdom is proved right by all her children” (Luke 7:35). One way of extrapolating that proverb could be to say that, over time, a wise decision is proven as such. At our annual meeting in 2013, Kentucky Baptists made the heart-wrenching decision to formally end all ties with Georgetown College. This decision was

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Living Worthy of our Calling

The following is a guest post from Kevin Milburn, who serves as first vice president of the Kentucky Baptist Convention. My 10 year old daughter and 3 year old son recently found themselves in a bit of a disagreement that sent my son off into the other room crying. As he turned and fled, she

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Protecting biblical marriage

The Gospel of Matthew records Jesus saying, “At the beginning the Creator made them male and female. For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.” In so doing, Jesus confirmed that God’s definition of marriage had not and has

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