
10 Reasons to stop giving through the Cooperative Program…and why they’re wrong

As I near a quarter of a century of ministry in and to churches cooperating with the Southern Baptist Convention, I can reflect upon countless conversations about the cooperative missions offering known as the Cooperative Program. In my role as a pastor, those conversations took place in budget committee meetings, missions committee meetings, in church hallways […]

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A Personal Invitation to Attend ‘Seminary for a Day’

I’m very excited about our upcoming Seminary for a Day events, and I’d like to extend my personal invitation to you to attend. We’re teaming up with the North American Mission Board, LifeWay Christian Resources, Campbellsville University, Clear Creek Baptist Bible College, Mid-Continent University, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and University of the Cumberlands to bring

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Attend ‘Seminary for a Day’

Coming new this spring is a series of events that have me very excited. As a former seminary student and professor, I knew that much of my educational preparation for ministry took place outside of the classroom. I was being prepared for ministry as I learned from lay leaders and pastors in my church growing

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