Kentucky Woman’s Missionary Union

Work to do!

More than any other season of the year, summer is the time for Kentucky Baptists to be on mission! Volunteer mission trips in and out of state and overseas are on the calendar for most of our churches. Here at home, probably the biggest mission event in our communities is Vacation Bible School, a time […]

Work to do! Read More »

Reaching our Judea

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth” (Acts 1:8) I was recently asked, “What does the Kentucky Baptist Convention do with its part of the Cooperative Program and

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‘For the Least of These’

I just returned from South Africa with a new perspective on the worldwide impact of Kentucky Baptists. My time in the country included days spent in and around Pietermaritzburg where I was able to trace the footprints of Kentucky WMU, Kentucky Baptist Disaster Relief, KBC Collegiate Ministry, and numerous volunteer groups that have gone there

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This is the Week of Prayer for the Eliza Broadus Offering

The partnership between the Kentucky Baptist Convention and Kentucky Woman’s Missionary Union is a wonderful example of impacting lostness through cooperation. In addition to mission camps, missions education, and hands-on mission work, the WMU labors intensely to promote and ensure the success of the Eliza Broadus Offering for State Missions that now totals more than

This is the Week of Prayer for the Eliza Broadus Offering Read More »

Meet Eliza

The partnership between the Kentucky Baptist Convention and the Kentucky Woman’s Missionary Union is a wonderful example of impacting lostness through cooperating together. In addition to mission camps, missions education, and hands on mission work, the WMU labors intensely to promote and ensure the success of the Eliza Broadus Offering for State Missions that now

Meet Eliza Read More »

Grateful for Kentucky WMU’s advocacy for missions giving through the Cooperative Program

As a pastor, I deeply appreciated efforts of the Woman’s Missionary Union to encourage believers to engage in missions service by praying, giving and going. As Executive Director of the Kentucky Baptist Convention, I’m humbled by the passionate support Kentucky Woman’s Missionary Union demonstrates in supporting missions efforts here in Kentucky and around the world.

Grateful for Kentucky WMU’s advocacy for missions giving through the Cooperative Program Read More »