Kentucky Baptist Convention

KY Baptists are doing more together, even as the world becomes more divided

If you support the cooperative mission work of the 2,400 churches of the Kentucky Baptist Convention by tithing in a church that gives through the Cooperative Program, by giving through the Eliza Broadus Offering for State Missions, and/or by serving in a KBC ministry, thank you! For 181 years, Kentucky Baptists have remained committed to

KY Baptists are doing more together, even as the world becomes more divided Read More »

My favorite question of all time

I’m occasionally asked, most often by young pastors, “How can I get involved in the KBC?” I love that question. In fact, it is one of the most gratifying and hopeful questions I’m asked. When more people get involved in the cooperative mission work of Kentucky Baptists, more of that mission work gets done. More

My favorite question of all time Read More »

10 Reasons to stop giving through the Cooperative Program…and why they’re wrong

As I near a quarter of a century of ministry in and to churches cooperating with the Southern Baptist Convention, I can reflect upon countless conversations about the cooperative missions offering known as the Cooperative Program. In my role as a pastor, those conversations took place in budget committee meetings, missions committee meetings, in church hallways

10 Reasons to stop giving through the Cooperative Program…and why they’re wrong Read More »