June 2015

Today’s Supreme Court Ruling

The hope of the gospel of Jesus Christ and our confidence in the sovereignty of God gives Baptists in Kentucky joy and optimism even in the face of today’s ruling. I don’t think many people in America are surprised by the SCOTUS ruling in favor of same sex marriage. Given the tenor of the court

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Why I go to SBC annual meetings

As Southern Baptists gather in Columbus, Ohio, for this year’s annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention, I’ll be in attendance. With plenty else to do, why use the time and money for a trip to Columbus? First, I go to the SBC because I believe in the Great Commission work of Southern Baptists and

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Summer is for missions!

More than any other season of the year, summer is the time for Kentucky Baptists to be on mission! Volunteer mission trips in and out of the state and overseas are on the calendar for most of our churches. Here at home, probably the biggest mission event in our communities is Vacation Bible School, a

Summer is for missions! Read More »