September 2013

Love Letters

Guest post by Michelle Chitwood, wife of KBC Executive Director-Treasurer Paul Chitwood I can remember the first love letter I wrote to my husband. It was Valentines Day 1982. I was in the 6th grade. I carefully picked out the perfect card for Paul. It was adorned with the famous comic strip character Ziggy. I […]

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Meet Eliza

The partnership between the Kentucky Baptist Convention and the Kentucky Woman’s Missionary Union is a wonderful example of impacting lostness through cooperating together. In addition to mission camps, missions education, and hands on mission work, the WMU labors intensely to promote and ensure the success of the Eliza Broadus Offering for State Missions that now

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From the Western Recorder: Kentucky gay marriage ban now facing multiple lawsuits

Traditional marriage is under assault in Kentucky. Read the latest from the Western Recorder: LOUISVILLE—In the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court’s 5-4 ruling that struck down a key portion of the Defense of Marriage Act, more lawsuits have been filed challenging Kentucky’s laws against same-sex marriages, prompting a growing concern among proponents of traditional

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If the KBC Went Away

If state conventions went away, would we miss them? That question might sound strange coming from an executive director of a state convention. Nevertheless, I think it is a fair and helpful question. Might I propose some answers? Before I do, keep in mind that, like local churches, each state convention sets its own priorities

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